- 2017
- Change the name of company ‘Chamshin Pharma co., ltd’-> ‘Chamshin Holdings co., ltd’
- Starting to export to Myanmar
- 2015
- Starting to export to Bangladesh
- Aquatic antibiotic composition involving Amoxicillin
- 2014
- Registered the patent about eco-friendly biologics and manufacturing methods, having active principle with Microorganism probiotic
- 2013
- Registered the patent about remover of animal odor, having active principle with Microorganism probiotic
- Starting to export to Vietnam
- 2011
- Sales about 10 billion won (10.5 billion)
- Avian influenza and foot and mouth disease prevention and disinfection medicines named “Farm-Doctor” became 1st place in sale (2011 year Korea Animal Hospital Association Data)
- Central Veterinary Institute in Netherland finished testing the effectiveness of Santizers and Disinfectants “Eco-Farm” amd “Morekill” to foot and mouth disease
- In Britain Pirbright Institute finished testing the effectiveness of Sanitizers and Disinfectants, “Farm Doctor” and Triple G” for foot and mouth disease
- 2010
- Britain Pirbright Institute finished testing the effectiveness of foot and mouth disease with eco-friendly antiseptic “Eco-farm” and “Green-P”
- 2009
- Chamshin medicines established R&D Center
- 1st place in sale of Prevention and disinfection medicines of Avian influenza and foot and mouth disease
- 2005
- Yongin factory KVGMP (Good practices in the manufacturing ) approved (Powder, Liquid, Liquid for external use)
- 2004
- Yongin factory construction (Kyeongkido Yonginsi cheoingu)
- 2002
- Production and sale 60 items Animal health Products
- 2000
~2008 -
- Selection as sales record achieved the top aqua products by Korea Animal Health Products Association
- 1997
- Manufacturing license animal health products from Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
- 1995
- Established Chamshin Pharma. Co.LTD (Zwageo-ri Godeok-myeon Pyongtack-si Gyeonggi-do